Local time: 4:30 pm
Today I finally made it to The Cloisters (my enemy, the subway system, having prevented me from getting there on my first attempt). I expected this to be an interesting place so I made sure to bring my camera. Despite this shocking feat of planning and foresight, I managed to forget the memory card for said camera.
This is where I'd show pictures of my favorite things I saw there, knowing that pictures could do a better job than me trying to describe the things. My favorite parts of the collection were the illuminated manuscripts, most of which were over 500 years old. Marinate on that.
The other highlight of this little field trip out to the country (read: 190th Street) was Fort Tryon Park. The weather today was absolutely perfect, and the park was not even close to crowded. It was like something from a Norman Rockwell painting. I half expected to see kids playing marbles and rolling one of those hoops down the street with a stick. After some excellent soft serve ice cream, though, it was back to "where all the lights are bright": downtown.
it's weird how your eyes show a completely different expression in the viewfinder and behind it.