Location: Green Mountain National Forest, Vermont (N 43° 15.302' W 072° 53.703' elevation: 1,659 feet)
Local time: 7 pm
Today's drive took me west through northern New Hampshire and into Vermont. From what I've seen, Vermont and New Hampshire are beautiful. Once in Vermont I went south along the border and then turned west again into Rutland. I stopped in Rutland for a bit to get something to eat and find an internet connection. The visit to Rutland was a success on both accounts. Maybe it was just luck or some different attitude on my part, but I found the people I came across in Rutland to be very friendly. Naturally Arrow attracted the most attention.
I've gotten a lot of reading done in the last couple days. I'm now more than halfway through Game of Thrones. I also listened to all the Joe Rogan podcasts I had stored. Even though Brian Redban is annoying the podcasts were pretty good overall. When you get right down to it, though, it's just some guys getting together and talking. Many times I found myself thinking, “hey, I wouldn't mind doing one of my own.” Something to marinate on.
June 21 miles: 204
Total miles to date: 3,573.1
You and Emilio could easily do a Podcast when you got back! Can't wait to hear more about your thoughts on Game of Thrones.